Why use a buyers agent?

Why use a buyers agent in real estate?

The quick answer is – you get the best property available while saving time, money and energy.

Buying property to live in or for investment means knowing what area you want to buy in

Discovering what is available for sale, calling real estate agents to arrange to meet for inspections and viewing properties.

If you don’t have time or headspace for this, a qualified property buyers agent could save you a lot of stress.

When you partner with a property buyers agent, you have their knowledge, resources and expertise at your disposal.

Due to their connections in the real estate industry, they have access to properties that aren’t yet listed on the open market

Widening up the range of properties for you to choose from.

Real estate agents prefer to real with property buyers agents as their clients already have approved finance and are ready to buy.

Why use a buyers agent

A buyers agent saves you time

Did you know it takes the average property buyer between 6 to 12 months to research the local real estate market to find a suitable property, let alone to buy one?

By that time, interest rates will probably have risen and the property may be out of reach.

Working out a property buying strategy with a buyer agent will help you hone in on the best location to find your desired property.

If you want to buy for investment, a property buyers agency has the latest information and statistics

At its fingertips on the areas and types of property for future long-term growth.

Their connections to real estate agents in the area will uncover properties not yet listed publicly

Giving you not only a wider choice of property to choose from, but an earlier opportunity to purchase.

Instead of bookmarking every weekend with looking at real estate

A buyer agent will shortlist suitable properties that align with your criteria.

A buyers agent saves you money

Property is probably the most expensive purchase most Australians make.

How would it be if you could get your ideal property for the lowest possible price!

One of the best reasons to why use a buyers agent is that they have years of experience and credibility in negotiating on behalf of clients.

Selling agents acting for the vendor use many techniques to try to raise the price

But a buyers agents knows them all and has the expertise to get the lowest possible price for you.

Buying can sometimes be based on an emotional decision, leaving you with a property that is not a good investment.

A buyers agent can offer impartial advice and negotiate with a cool head so that you don’t spend unwisely.

Auctions can be fraught with overbidding.

A buyers agent can bid for you and will employ successful tactics that won’t push the sale price beyond the market value.

How can a buyers agent help you to buy a property

If you want stress-free property buying, call First Brick Property Buyers Agency on 0431 221 202.