On this week's episode of the Podcast, we speak to a previous client of First Brick and their experience as well as their roadmap to financial freedom
1:50 – Saimon's mission
3:20 – What was it like, what was your journey like before you had First Brick in your corner?
5:50 – What problem where you trying to solve when you first came to First Brick?
6:20 – Where did you start your search to find First Brick?
7:20 – What drew you to First Brick?
8:45 – Was there any obstacles you encountered before using First Brick?
9:20 – Was there any features in our service that got you over the line?
11:45 – What made you happiest about using First Brick?
13:35 – What have you been able to achieve since using our service?
15:25 – What has exceeded your expectations when working with First Brick?
18:15 – Would you recommend First Brick to others and why?
20:55 – Was there anything about our business that surprised you?
22:35 – Was there anything you would have us, do differently?
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Buying property is our passion, helping you do it is our mission!
Send us your questions, topic requests or guest speaker requests to our socials or our email [email protected]
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*Note that all information in this episode is based on information that is constantly changing and these are unprecedented times*