Loans, LMI, Equity and all things financing

Financing, Loans, Equity and LMI! Get to know the main points when it comes to financing with director of Power Loans, Fadi Youssef9:30 – Why use a broker? 17:45 – Steps involved in obtaining a loan 19:45 – Interest rates are not the most important aspect of a...

Choosing the right property

How to choose the right property? So you have made the decision to invest in a property! Great, but now you have to make sure you choose the correct property. On this episode we go through the steps on how to choose the right property3:55 – Step 1, Start with...

Why invest in Real Estate?

Why invest in real estate? On this episode, the very first episode of the first brick property podcast, we discuss why real estate is a good investment vehicle, and perhaps better than other choices.1:55 – Why Real estate investing is not easy5:55 – What are the 2...